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POSTPONED: Mike O’Connor’s Celebration of Life 

Hello all of Mike’s CPS Veteran brothers and sisters,
Sadly, we have had to make the decision to postpone Mike’s Celebration of Life, originally planned for September 24, 2021. After much consideration we have come to the conclusion that the current COVID restrictions mean that we aren’t able to host the kind of party that Mike wanted - a Grand Celebration where we can visit, laugh, hug, eat and drink and share happy memories. 
Rest assured, this party will absolutely happen once the COVID restrictions allow us to host it the way Mike wanted. I will update the details here once we have them, but we suspect it may be in the spring of 2022. Could I ask you all to please help us spread the word of this postponement.
In the meantime, raise a glass or two to Mike, enjoy a fine meal and share some happy stories, just as he would like it.
On behalf of our entire family I thank each and every one of you again for all of your support during this time. It has meant so much. ❤️
Sandy O’Connor

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Mike Turcotte

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